OSHA and Working from Home During COVID-19

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By Maike DeMaria, MS, SHRM-CP

The Occupational Safety and Health Act applies to work performed by an employee in any workplace within the United States, including a workplace located in the employee’s home. During the COVID-19 pandemic when more employees work from home, employers must extend their responsibilities. As it states, “All employers, including those which have entered into ‘work at home’ agreements with employees, are responsible for complying with the OSH Act and with safety and health standards.”

Employers should make sure their employees are notified about the general duty clause and their responsibility to have a hazard free work environment, even at their house or remote work location. It is also recommended to add these expectations into policy and employee handbooks. Employees should receive additional training on these policies as a matter of best practice.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration published guidelines about Home-Based worksites (updated 02/25/2000) and it is recommended for HR to regularly revisit the OSHA site for other updates.

For more information: https://www.osha.gov/

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